8 Benefits of a Great Night's Sleep for Optimal Health

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but in our fast-paced world, it can often feel like a luxury we just don't have time for. But what if I told you those 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night are about so much more than just feeling rested? The 8 benefits of a great night's sleep actually have the power to significantly improve your health and well-being.

You know the basics: sleep helps with feeling refreshed and alert. However, research tells us that consistently clocking in quality sleep goes far beyond just feeling less groggy in the morning. A lack of sleep, or what experts call “short sleep” -- meaning less than seven hours -- has been linked to an array of health problems. Up to 35% of adults in Australia report they don’t regularly get the recommended amount of sleep.

This article will explore eight incredible benefits of a great night's sleep and how they can improve your health.

Table Of Contents:

Benefit #1: Sleep Can Help Regulate Your Weight

Let’s be real: losing weight can be really challenging. There’s so much information out there about the right diet, exercise program, and supplements that it’s understandable why many are left feeling overwhelmed.

A factor you might not have considered as part of a weight management program is consistently getting a good night's rest. Multiple studies have found a correlation between consistently getting fewer than seven hours of sleep at night and a higher body mass index, leading to a greater risk of weight gain.

Why does this happen? When you are sleep-deprived your body produces more ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone. At the same time, the sleep-deprived body often produces less leptin, a hormone that lets your brain know you’ve had enough to eat.

You’ve probably experienced that insatiable urge to eat everything in sight after a bad night’s sleep. It turns out this phenomenon isn’t all in our heads: studies really have revealed that if people are chronically sleep-deprived, they report increased appetites.

What’s worse, that desire for a “sugar rush” you feel when you are sleepy is real, too. Studies indicate people often crave high-sugar, high-fat treats and snacks when they haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep because these kinds of foods give a temporary boost to energy. Getting quality sleep can benefit your body’s ability to manage weight.

Benefit #2: Getting a Good Night's Sleep Can Improve Mental Performance

It’s happened to all of us. You are running on fumes and all you want is a nap but you have a deadline for a big project, or an important exam.

If you’re feeling tempted to “power through” by staying awake and pushing on, you should reconsider. Getting sufficient sleep keeps your brain sharp where poor sleep quality effects it.

Not only does this translate into doing well on academic tests, or work presentations, but you will also make better choices throughout the day in other areas of life. Have you noticed when you’re sleepy you make bad choices about things like overspending, procrastinating on tasks, or grabbing unhealthy takeout instead of preparing a nourishing dinner?

Forgetting appointments or misplacing objects? Research on overworked doctors indicated that doctors who experienced sleep deprivation had increased instances of mistakes in treating their patients. Additionally, research shows the importance of sleep, because sufficient sleep helps kids as well as grownups with remembering facts, solving problems, and absorbing new information. Diffuse Lively Living' organic Focus Blend to further support mental performance

Benefit #3: Sleep Can Positively Affect Athletic Performance

Getting those 8 benefits of a great night's sleep might help you shave off seconds when running track or make you less clumsy when playing basketball. This is because numerous studies support the idea that getting a good night’s sleep will improve various aspects of athletic endeavors.

Aspect Benefit
Fine Motor Skills Fine motor skills involve using small muscles in the hands and wrists. For tasks such as throwing a ball, catching, and swinging a bat, quality sleep can mean greater accuracy.
Reaction Time In sports that depend upon split-second reaction times -- such as track and swimming-- those extra zzz’s each night make a significant difference.
Muscular Power & Endurance Getting sufficient rest and recovery helps to maintain top physical shape, so adequate sleep might help to delay the sensation of fatigue, too.


If you struggle with getting started with, or staying consistent with, a workout schedule, try adding an extra hour of sleep to your nighttime routine. Research reveals that when athletes aren’t sleeping enough, they aren't motivated to get up and train.

Benefit #4: Sleep Affects Heart Health

If you are generally healthy, it might surprise you that a lack of sleep affects your risk of heart disease. This is one of the crucial 8 benefits of a great night's sleep because, if you already are struggling with heart problems, lack of sleep could worsen your symptoms.

Data from one study revealed those who don't make getting a full night’s sleep a priority might increase their chances of early death by 13% as a result of a failing heart. Shockingly, in this same research study, those in the group that lost even just one hour of sleep increased their odds of heart-related health complications and premature death.

Want more incentive for squeezing in those precious hours of slumber? Separate research revealed getting at least 7 hours each night cut the risk of an earlier-than-expected death by 6%. Clearly, prioritizing those 8 benefits of a great night's sleep can affect the overall health of this hard-working organ. At Lively Living we have a vast selection of pure essential oils to support a good nights sleep. We recommend to diffuse essential oils through out the night. 

Benefit #5: Adequate Sleep May Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

If your family history includes diabetes, you might not be thinking getting more rest could be the answer. Diabetes is characterized by an inability of the body to properly process sugar and occurs when the body is either not making enough insulin, or any insulin at all.

This imbalance results in increased blood sugar. Sleep plays a critical role in managing blood sugar. According to scientific evidence, when the body doesn’t get the restorative benefits of sleep, it raises the odds of having Type 2 Diabetes because of insulin resistance.

Studies support that there’s a very close correlation between not prioritizing good sleep habits and having an increased chance of being diagnosed with diabetes. One large-scale investigation examined the self-reported sleep habits of one million participants. The conclusion: getting at least seven hours cut diabetes risk considerably.

The 8 benefits of a good night’s sleep are a strong reminder that it's important for your body to fully repair and restore during this critical downtime each day.

 The Sleep Specialist

 Lively Living's developed the Aroma-Snooze Range which incorporates extra features to support a good nights sleep, as recommended by Australia's leading sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo. See the range HERE. 

Benefit #6: Good Sleep Is Good for Mental Health

As you’re reading this, perhaps you are among those who silently struggle with mental health. Feeling depressed can take a toll on quality of life. When we experience low energy, depressed moods, and even sadness, it can make socializing, connecting with loved ones, or simply enjoying our day that much more challenging. We are encouraged when health experts give practical lifestyle advice that empowers us to take a more proactive approach to feeling better.

Scientists say mental wellness is deeply impacted by high-quality nights sleep, while also recognizing that sleep disorders wreak havoc with mental and emotional wellness. This association between quality rest and feeling more energized was evident in the responses from one large survey involving almost three thousand individuals who rated the quality of their sleep, noting if they experienced sleep problems, insomnia, or suffered with disorders such as sleep apnea. What researchers noted is that participants dealing with anxiety and/or depression had significantly more problems in their reported sleep scores than those who didn’t suffer with those mental illnesses.

Interestingly, similar trends came out from additional research exploring insomnia and sleep apnea. Again, a correlation exists: these participants who struggled to have peaceful, uninterrupted sleep also tended to deal with bouts of depression. Getting a good night's sleep will benefit you emotionally, physically, and even mentally. To further support mental health, diffuse Lively Living Mental Health essential oil through out the day. 

Benefit #7: Sleep is Essential for Immunity

These days, more people are taking steps to support their immune system. Whether you find yourself struggling with frequent illness or simply want to prioritize living a healthy lifestyle, getting adequate sleep is essential.

Scientific research continues to reinforce the critical link between how much time we spend snoozing and whether we stay healthy or become sick. Getting enough rest strengthens your immunity. For instance, when one study tested individuals to determine their chance of catching a cold, the findings revealed that getting adequate sleep (more than 7 hours) decreased a subject’s likelihood of getting a cold at all. On the flipside, those averaging five or fewer hours in bed tripled their chances.

Emerging research even hints at how important getting those 8 benefits of a great night's sleep is in our modern world. Initial studies surrounding how our bodies react to Covid-19 vaccinations might point to the impact those zzz’s have in the effectiveness of fighting the virus. More testing is needed, but early findings seem to suggest sleep plays a role here. To further support immunity, take a look at our range of Essential Oils to support Immunity here.

Benefit #8: Sleep Can Lower Inflammation

You’re likely well acquainted with inflammation. Symptoms of inflammation include redness, swelling, pain, heat, and even immobility. Typically, treatments often focus on addressing these symptoms.

Inflammation within the body that persists is referred to as chronic inflammation. Left unchecked, chronic inflammation can be damaging to tissue and organs, causing more complications. Sleep disturbance and chronic stress seem to play a key role here and experts now recommend prioritizing good sleep and stress management techniques as part of addressing inflammatory diseases. To further support pain and lower inflammation take a look at our range of Essential Oils for Pain.  


In conclusion, the 8 benefits of a great night’s sleep are many. Prioritizing 7 to 9 hours each day as part of a healthy lifestyle is one important step toward improving your quality of life. Remember to incorporate other good habits, such as diet and exercise for lasting results. Sweet dreams.

FAQs About 8 Benefits of a Great Night's Sleep

What are 5 benefits of a good night's sleep?

There are many, but five notable benefits of making those zzz’s a top priority are; maintaining a healthy body weight, having greater mental clarity and focus, experiencing improved athletic performance, lowering your risk for heart disease, and having better emotional well-being.

What happens to your body when you get a good night's sleep?

Your body uses sleep time for crucial repair work, so you will feel rested and energized upon waking. But beyond feeling less tired, those precious sleep hours also impact your brain, heart health, immunity, weight management, and mental/emotional well-being.

What is the " 10 3 2 1 0 " rule for sleep?

The “10-3-2-1-0” strategy helps you prep for a better night's sleep. This means: stopping all caffeine 10 hours before bed; no more eating or alcohol 3 hours prior; cease all work or stressful activities 2 hours ahead; stop screen time 1 hour before sleep time; and hit that snooze button 0 times each morning when your alarm goes off.

Why does a good night's sleep feel so good?

Remember that groggy, out-of-it feeling you have after a restless sleep? Your body isn't meant to operate optimally without sufficient downtime to recover. When we sleep, our brains can not only rest, but they use this critical time for 'housekeeping'-- consolidating memories, clearing out toxins, and regenerating cells. Getting those zzz’s is crucial for brain health.

Wishing you the best night sleep 

Julie and the Lively Living team